What have I become?



Over and out.



Todays recap thus far

5 small gluten free sugarless ginger snaps
Dried Carrot chips
Dried sugarless baby fruit (blueberries and apples)

Butternut squash chunks
Red quinoa
Roasted Garlic
Heart of palm

Vegan quinoa stuffing
Cauliflower with tahini sauce

Hot Honey vanilla chamomile tea
Synergy kombucha cran

Vegan mushroom gravy
Steamed broccoli

And that’s it so far.

Plans are in store for noshing on blueberries and this crazy ice cream thing I found that I couldn’t resist.

Check it out, yo:








Ran 7 miles yesterday and weights.
I tried the ‘captain’s chair’ for the first time yesterday and was really excited about that. I don’t know if I should do it in booty shorts again, though I think some of the regulars wouldn’t mind. (Sweatdrop)

Gonna shoot for 10 mi. Later today for the hell of it and another go at the captain’s chair.

Over and out.

(Surprise ninja tackle hugs!) <(°¬°< )*

Skip the “diet,” fool! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

Diet… technically everything we eat is a diet, healthy or not.

But nonetheless,

Skip the diet, fool!

True that, dawg.


Wiggle it, just a little bit.

Ran 16 miles total today, 8 in the am, 8 in the pm. And weights.

Running the jigglies away.

Snap into this “Slim” Gym.. ohhh YEAH!

Over and out.

I like it Raw.


Not pictured: Bag of wf ginger snaps I’ve been nursing for a few days. Working on a self-intervention at the gym now. Need to tame the sugar before it tames me. That means avoid alcohol by any means necessary!

Over and out.

Simple Breakfast. Eating soy again makes me a bad girl.


Steamed kale, tomato, sesame, soy chicken. (Not pictured: vegan chipotle ranch and cran water.)

Eating the soy chicken out of convenience. Would like to limit the soy intake to 1 x per week, need to reduce as many phytohormones as possible.

Next up: raspberries.


5 miles in 50:34 minutes. 5.6 mph average.

1 mile on climber. level 4

1 mile on elliptical, 7 incline, 5 resistance

100+ free weights reps, 20 rep sets. 2 x 15lbs= 30lbs total.

Hip Abduction: 3 sets, 40 reps each, 30 lbs

Leg Machine: 3 sets, 20 reps each, 80 lbs




Reflect: I wanted to put in a few more miles, but I was short on time. I’ll make up for it later today. 




Also noted: I was going to register for the NYC marathon, but that fell through for several reasons.

1. It is one of the highly sought-after marathons in the country. (Did not know that until yesterday. But it makes sense.)

2. There is a lottery to get into the marathon.

-So that means, not only do you have to create an account to register for it, but you have to wait for fate to favor you in order to be chosen.

….first time I’ve ever experienced that when registering for a race.

3. My habit of doing things last minute finally bit me on the ass. Sall good, lesson learned!



Now that I am aware of the obstacles of getting in the race, it only makes me more determined and steadfast to get to it. ‘It’ being the NYC marathon.

The more challenging something is, the more savory the victory. Mmm.








“Plan a goal. A goal so big and so great; that if you were to accomplish it, it would blow your f********* mind.”







Moving forward, Next!





Over and out.


*・゜゚・*:.。.Zucchini.。.:*・゜{ つ^ω^}つ゜・*:.。.Hummus.。.:*・゜゚・*


I wanted to eat hummus without the guilt that comes with eating chips. So I sliced up some zucchini and it’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time 😀

I know it’s kind of late… BUT

I will try my damnedest to give up sugar.

Goodbye,  chopped date pieces? I wonder how long I can keep you on my shelf.

Good bye prunes? Maybe that can be the exception.

Good bye, organic brown sugar.

Good bye, agave nectar.

Good bye, brown rice syrup.

Good bye, everything else sugary.

April 24 is D-Day, my friends.

Strawberry Spirulina Protein Shake





Made my first protein shake with spirulina powder. It tastes the same as a strawberry protein shake, the only difference is the green color.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Playing with food is fun ┐(・~・ )┌

129 lbs

1. Long life cocktail + 2 caps psyllium husk
2. raspberry carob protein shake (I should’ve added more stevia… tasted alright but not quite out-of-this-world as I had expected >.>)

3. warm lemon water
4. cran water + 1/3 cup prunes
5. cran water + vitamin e + c + evening primrose oil + ezekiel bread + 4 carob chips
6. 3 baked eggplants seasoned with nutritional yeast and parsley, baked in vegetable broth (no salt added)
7. Cran water
8. Shrimp sauteed in veg broth, cumin, ginger, garlic, with 1 sliced zucchini. On top of a bed of spinach, showered in flax oil and 1/4th squeezed lemon juice. ( Y U M )
***The combination of all the spices really made the broth taste good. Had a flavor similar to tom ka and sinigang. Mmmmm.

9. Warm lemon water
10. Cran water + prunes + 10 carob chips

11. cran water

+ ran 6 miles in 1 hr 15 min

+3 sets of 16, 30 lbs on leg machine

+3 sets of 15, 10lb free weights

+ 140 jumping jacks

+200 sit ups

12. water

13. cran water

And now for more pictures:


So happy with how the food turned out today! :D~

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