Breakfast today

Made this pizza today

Roasted zucchini, Cremini mushrooms, fresh Roma tomatoes, creamy basil sauce, Sriracha, black pepper, mozzarella, gf crust. So good!

Still my staples

Roasted squash and salmon.

Current weight: 128lbs

For 2016, I did my round of races with 3 half marathons and 1 full marathon–  and still going!

Homemade Maple Cinnamon Granola

All his idea. 💗

First time coring an apple, and without an apple corer too.

Finished product! So pretty.  
 Crispy applewiches

Peanut butter energy bites! Shane loved them. 

Homemade chia seed pudding

1 cup unsweetened almond milk (30 cals)

1/4 cup black chia seeds (80 cals?)

Mix together, soak at least 30 min for best consistency
I tasted it, and added some vanilla bean paste and agave nectar (120 cals) tastes better.


Day 49


Cran water


1 mi

Protein shake with spirulina, flax oil and 14 oz cran water -200 cals

2.5 servings coconut cashews -400 cals

Note: today must Buy sups/ fuel for marathon!!!!!


1 serving coconut cashews 160 cal

More later .

Day 48

Protein shake with flax oil and spirulina –200 cals

3 serving coconut cashews- 480 cals

Farro salad -150 cals?

Cran water


Lemon water

Ginger lemon cayenne shot

Roasted squash- 60 cals

8 mi so far


1 serving cheese cracker things 140 cals

1.5 serving tj cereal -120 cals

8oz flat white – 100 cals

—-1250 cals consumed so far.



350-400 cals?

1 medium scoop Vanilla Ice cream at a school social (bad)- 110? Cals


~1800 cals consumed so far

Another 3.5 mi.

~12 mi. Total

Over and out. 

Day 47

Protein shake: -16 oz cran water + flax oil and spirulina– 200 cals

2 servings tj cereal -160 cals

1.5 cup squash and carrots– 40 cals

1 bag turkey jerky–240 cals


1/4 serving coconut cashews- 40 cals

Ginger lemon cayenne shot

Cran water

3 mi so far


5 mi

26 oz cran water


1 serving salmon jerky –80 cals

My outfit matched my snack, lol.

Note: I found the jerky to be too salty for my taste. I will go with the turkey next time. 

2 serving coconut cashews- 320 cals

Took my kids to get frozen yogurt, resisted getting frozen yogurt and snacked on the salmon jerky. Proud of myself for the self control. 

2 serving tj cereal -160 cal


1240 cals consumed so far.

Totals for today:


Plus another 3.5 miles.

11.5 mile total

More later.

Day 46

1 serving dried persimmon -140 cals

1.5 serving tj cereal -120 cals

Half serving turkey jerky -40 cals

A few sips of hemp milk and espresso. Yeah yeah, living a little today:


2 servings dried persimmon- 280 cals

1.25 serving coconut cashews -200 cals

10.5 mi so far

1 liter cran water so far

Found this @ grocery deli. It’s ok in a pinch, but home cooked tastes way better. Had to add g-salt and black pepper.


Farro salad

Lemon water

More later.

Day 45

Farro salad ( calorie unknown)

6 servings (1.5 cups) coconut cashews –960 cal

16 oz cran water Protein shake with spirulina and flax oil –270 cal

2 serving tj fiber cereal –160 cal

1.5 serving turkey jerky –120cal
2.6 mi so far 


1/3rd serving tj cinnamon apple snack things — 42 cals

Half serving baked apple chips– 50 cals

1,602 cals consumed so far.


So, today I’ll consider a true taper day. 5.5 mi total. I have that full marathon waiting for me this Saturday morning, so I’ll be kind to myself.
Notes: Trying something different today by seeing how many calories I’ve consumed, in comparison to how many calories I’ve burned throughout the day. I’ll have a final tally after I squeeze this work out in. I took a long nap this evening, no fighting it. So doing a late workout now, even though I have work at the butt crack of dawn. 

P.s. I went to TJ’s and they were all out of yellow squash. T_T I just settled for zucchini instead. 

Other notes: I think I’ve been inadvertently weening off from the husk powder, which is fine, because I think I’ve noticed a reduction in bloat? Not sure though but we’ll see.

Also, I’m really proud of myself for resisting coffee today. Not that coffee is a bad thing, it’s a great treat. I’m trying to honor my body’s natural sources of energy and I guess I naturally opted for sleep. Feels good, because I can listen to my body clock telling me whether I sleep or not (which I’m finding to be a luxury these days, that I’m thankful for) versus going on coffee’s terms. 


Over and out.

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