I know it’s kind of late… BUT

I will try my damnedest to give up sugar.

Goodbye,  chopped date pieces? I wonder how long I can keep you on my shelf.

Good bye prunes? Maybe that can be the exception.

Good bye, organic brown sugar.

Good bye, agave nectar.

Good bye, brown rice syrup.

Good bye, everything else sugary.

April 24 is D-Day, my friends.


The past few days have a been a blur since I attempted the 12 hour fasting juice diet, which wasn’t successful. I think I’m at a 134-135 now, but I’ve been terrible (a) only intaking about 8 glasses  of  liquids a day, which should be way more— b) eating those damned madaline cookies grrrr 100 calories each with 60 calories from fat and made with 100% butter). Some good things are that a) I’m still striving to get my fiber and protein. b) I’m still running and weight lifting regularly. Everyday for a month, with the exception of Monday. I’ll post up some various pictures of things I’ve eaten/made from this week later.. I’m about to cook a late lunch right now, I’m thinking shrimp.

Also, my aunt is having a birthday lunch at a local Japanese buffet on Sunday. We’re probably going since it’s so close and the last time the fam was together was Christmas. I’m going to attempt to load up on salad and shrimp… the only thing I may indulge in are the stuffed mussels, which have a mix of cheese and mayo on top. I think cheese and mayo are permissible on phase 3 of the fat flush plan.. so I guess I won’t feel too bad about it.