Tuesday Food Recap

blackberry spirulina protein shake, with flax oil and stevia plus (yum) (280 cals)
1 glass carrot juice (70 cals)
4 tortilla chips with half a serving of hummus (140 cals)
2 glasses of cran water
1/4th serving of sweet potato fries (35 cals) 1/3 serving of hummus (35 cals)
3 baked chicken nuggets with a big spinach salad with nutritional yeast. (140 cals)
5 tortilla chips, 1 serving salsa and 1 serving of hummus (240 cals)

*・゜゚・*:.。.Zucchini.。.:*・゜{ つ^ω^}つ゜・*:.。.Hummus.。.:*・゜゚・*


I wanted to eat hummus without the guilt that comes with eating chips. So I sliced up some zucchini and it’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time 😀