2 Day Recap– Appetite of a champ


1 gf protein bar: 210

12 macarons (bad!!) 840

leftover guac and vegnaise chikn salad: 300

kale cranwater blueberries blackberries chia seed spirulina stevia:  190

acai sorbet 500

3 cups spinach: 21

1 mandarin orange: 37

baked kale with daiya cheese: 90

kale cranwater blueberries blackberries spirulina stevia protein: 200



14 miles, weights, chins, dips, adduction, abduction, capt chair (1800+)


Fuck macarons, man!  Oh well, celebrated bday early. And they were from ‘lette. Otherworldly, heavenly.


note to self: make gf veg macarons.





Greens Whey Protein snack: 240

vega vanilla chai with raw kale, blueberries, blackberries, spirulna, cran water (200)

carrot chips (50)

steamed kale with ginger miso dressing: 75

So far: 565

7 miles, weights, chins, dips (1000+ )

I recently discovered plyometrics, particularly squats. I like them so far. Did 3 sets of 6 reps yesterday. I love the tension and resistance I feel in my muscles around the 6th or 7th rep. I know in a month or so I’ll do 15 each set, easily. Let the fun begin.

Today’s Protein Intake: 40g so far, 50 left to go. Yee-haw!

Gf protein 240
Adzuki chips 240
1/3rd cup BlueBerries: 50
Crystallized ginger: 90
Coconut water: 60

On mile 2 of part 2 today. Lets see how far i get tonight.

Update: 8 miles done last night
Day Total 15

Over and out.

What have I become?



Over and out.

