°•*Vegan Snack Shwag Survival Kit: Overnight Edition*•°


I got the veggie krunch from the green festival I went to yesterday. Mmm, kale. Also included is vegan carrot cake, vegan blueberry loaf, synergy kombucha, and bhakti ginger chai. Ovenight shift going pretty well, holding the fort down in these parts.

Over and out.

彡彡Let’s get to it, put your back into it.彡彡彡 The power of delayed gratification compels you.

1/2 synergy black chai




white albacore low sodium tuna + veganaise + 1/2 avocado  with nut chips

2 servings of carrot cake ice cream

6 samples of energy chunk squares in bulk. (carob, chia, mixed berry, cacao)



about to get some bhakti on.

And that’s all I can remember.

Need to get my ass in gear for running tonight.

Over and out.

One part ginger juice, one part chai. Refreshing as hell and spicy too.



Just a quick recap from today (If I can remember)

1/2 Bottle of Bhakti Chai

1/2 fiber heart

1 scrambled egg



1.5 fiber heart



chicken, baby corn, portobello mushroom, zuccini, summer squash, eggplant, boiled egg

papaya, kiwi, strawberry (best fruit combo ever! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


(and just kind of eating this on and off the whole afternoon)


3 small cookies.  (!&@^%*!)


I was helping my father do errands today, which means spending time at their home.

My parents’ home is a booby trap for sugar tamers. Sabotage, everywhere.

….And my mother is diabetic and stubborn. :/


1/2 bhakti chai

1/2 avocado

1 low sodium albacore tuna with egg-free veganaise and nut chips.



Took a crap load of pictures. Too lazy to post. Will do so later.

Had work earlier this evening. Still planning on the movement portion tonight.

((Cheers self on. gogogogogogogogogogogogogo ))  \(゜ロ\)

Over and out.