Day 35

1 serving mixed unsalted nuts

An apple chip or 2

Llc with 18 oz cran water + 1.5 tsp husk powder


 1 liter cran water 



Ginger lemon cayenne shot

Big bowl of Raw baby spinach 

8 medium small carrots, juiced. Yielded a little over a cup of juice.

Embarking on a 10lb carrot adventure.


Also, I decided to do a half marathon this Saturday on a whim.

Let’s do this, y’all!

5 meat balls


Feeling good, doing the best I can at the moment.


Steamed asparagus


A few mixed unsalted nuts

Handful of pistachios 

2 servings of salmon

Lots of baby spinach

Warm lemon water

4 sets 10 rep squats 13 lbs

3 sets 10 rep r t 13 lbs

(I used Q as my weights and he liked it. 😸)
3 rep 10 rep bicep free weights 


2 sets 15-20 rep curls 16 lbs

3 sets 20 rep r t 8 lbs

5 reps Variable bicep tricep free weights 

3 sets 15 rep tricep free weights

2 rep 10-12 squats

Over and out.

Day 34

Llc 20+ oz cran water 1.5 tsp husk powder
Ginger lemon cayenne shot
Lemon water


Spinach, salmon, avocado

Lemon water



3-4 servings coconut cashews

2 bowls of raw spinach

Warm lemon water

Half liter cran water

3 curly fries 


3 mi total for the day

Varied free weight movement

Went to sleep early today.

Over and out.

Day 33

Ginger lemon cayenne shot

Llc with 1.75 tsp husk powder and 14 oz cran water


 2 servings coconut Cashews

1/2 serving dried jackfruit 

1/2 cup steamed asparagus with basil and parsley

Sips of warm lemon water


Protein shake with 13 oz cran water flax oil and spirulina

Another 4.5 oz water


**resisting the junk food hard right now.

Roasted yellow squash with garlic salt and black pepper.


Planning to gym it up some tonight, took a break yesterday to spend time with family. Seems to be a trend that will be more frequent. Still trying to be diligent, my first marathon of the year is in 2.5 weeks. 
2 sets 15 r t 8lbs

2 sets squats

2 sets 30 crunches

2 sets bicep free weights 16 lbs


1.4 serving meat balls

3.5 servings baked apple chips

2.5 servings mixed unsalted nuts

Warm lemon water

Cran water

Raw baby spinach 

2.8 miles during the day


7.30 mi

Half liter cran water
Over and out.

Day 32

Warm lemon water
1 serving dried persimmon

2 servings coconut cashews

1.5 servings baked apple chips

Large Tupperware raw baby spinach 

Ginger lemon cayenne shot

Sipping on cran water


4 mi so far

Half liter cran water

Llc with half liter cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder. 

2 servings coconut cashews

14 oz cran water + spirulina and protein powder


1.75 serving sweet chili meatballs

Half or third cup home juiced carrot

1 serving dried persimmon

Warm lemon water

Roasted yellow squash with garlic salt and black pepper 😀 😀


1.3 cran water

Over and out.

Day 31

Llc 20 oz cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder

2 servings baked apple chips

3 servings mixed unsalted nuts

6 oz Americano with a smidge almond milk
3 mi. during work

2.5 servings coconut cashews

1 serving of jackfruit chips

Half serving dried persimmon 

 (I freaking love Trader Joe’s)



6.26 mi

Half liter cran water


2.5-3 servings slow cooker meatballs with sweet chili sauce

1 serving dried persimmon slices

Raw Spinach

Home juiced Carrot juice 

Ginger lemon cayenne shot

3 sets 10 r.t. 10 lbs



Llc 18 oz cran water 1.5 tsp husk powder

Over and out. 

Day 30

Woke up  at 6am to make it to a 730am and 10am appointment. Fun errands all day so I packed an insulated bag with the essentials:

Shaker bottle full of 18 oz cran water 

Consumed the above with 1.5 tsp husk powder and 1 serving vegan protein powder. Mmmm, lumpy tasty goodness!

A 20+oz insulated canister of warm lemon water ( almost finished)

1 liter smart water (sipping on it at the gym now)

Mama chia drink (it was good and the ingredients and nutrition looked alright.)

Ate this before my 10am appt:

Frittata and raw baby spinach from WF hot foods and salad bar:

Resisting junk and sweets have been effective so far! Keep it going!

8mi at gym so far.


1.5 servings Honey walnut shrimp


3.5 servings mixed unsalted nuts

3 servings baked apple chips

Large serving raw baby spinach


Warm lemon water

Ginger lemon cayenne shot

2 mi. Walk doing errands


4 mi

3/4 liter cran water 


4 sets of the following:

20-25 rep r t 10lbs

12 rep squats 10lbs

15-20 lunges 10lb

Another 1/4 liter cran water


Llc with 18+ oz cran water

Over and out.

Day 29

Woke up late today:

1 serving coconut cashews

Bowl of raw baby spinach

Llc with 20 oz cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder

3.5 more servings of coconut cashews


6oz Americano no sugar with almond milk



Ginger lemon cayenne shot 

2.5 servings: Salmon, baked sweet potato, half avocado and raw baby spinach

Warm lemon water 1 liter

5 mi so far
*Note: Really proud of myself for resisting cookies or treats today. Determined to do the same tomorrow and Sunday! Let’s do this!


9.8 mi at gym
More later.

Day 28

Warm lemon water

1 serving coconut cashews

Ginger cayenne lemon shot


Long life cocktail:14oz cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder


1 medium sized Tupperware full of raw baby spinach

20 oz warm lemon water

Another Tupperware of raw baby spinach and a small portion of salmon

Nibbling on some mixed unsalted nuts and baked apple chips now

Only a few of the goodies I brought to the park:

7.6 mi so far, 5.5 at the lake today.
Just finished lunch and Q is snoring right now.


1.5 serving TJ’s chocolate cat cookies

12 oz cran water + protein powder

Feeling sleepy.


 Homemade pizza with:

gluten free crust, pumpkin sauce (mmm!), cherry tomatoes, arugula and spinach, mozzarella, and avocado.

Me making a regular but tasty pizza for the rest of my family:


Trampoline park exercises for 1.5 hours!

11.48 mi total so far.


another pizza like the one listed above

less than half a serving of TJ choco graham cookies


Another 8mi at gym

1/2+ liter cran water

Llc with 18 oz cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder.
Over and out.


Day 27

What I’ve been eating since 3am for today:
4+ servings mixed unsalted nuts

4+ servings baked apple chips

long life cocktail, 24 oz cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder

6 oz protein shake with flax oil and fiber



Warm lemon water

Salmon with pesto

Lots of spinach, with acv and nutritional yeast


4 servings of coconut cashews from TJ’s

 … I think I’m addicted. Oh well, could be worse?


I restocked on my carrots and rejuiced my staples:

Ginger lemon: 15 oz total made, 1.5 oz consumed today.


8 small to medium carrots made one cup of carrot juice. 

Ate that bowl of raw spinach.


Warm lemon water

A bite-sized serving of coconut cashews


1/3 liter cran water

8.6 mi + 3 mi during the day 

4 sets bicep free weights 10-15 rep 16lb

3 sets 25 rep curls 16lb

4 set 15 rep tricep free weights

And then mishmash of experimental free weight movement. 


Llc, 2/3 liter cran water +1.5 tsp psyllium husk powder.

Over and out.

Day 26

8oz protein shake with flax oil and fiber

2 servings baked apple chips

2 servings unsalted mixed nuts

Long life cocktail with 20 oz cran water and 1.5 tsp husk powder


8.1 mi so far

3 sets 20 rep 15 lb hi to lo wood chop

2 sets 16 rep 12.5 lb lo to hi wood chop

3/4 liter cran water


1 mile walking around the block (was early at school pick up)


1/2 serving mixed unsalted nuts

Large bowl raw spinach

Warm lemon water

1.5 Ginger lemon cayenne shot

5 small home juiced carrots (yielded a little more than a cup full.)

Ate the bag of spinach like a bag of chips.

Another 5 mi 

3/4 liter cran water

2 sets 20 rep hi lo wood chop 15 lb

2 sets lo hi wood chop 12.5 lbs

3 sets 20 rep weighted lunges 10 lb

3 sets 25 rep r t 10 lbs

3 sets 15 rep squats 20 lb


Llc with 18 oz cran water

I have a cold and am blasting the humidifier. 😦
Things I need to get:


More carrots



Cherry tomatoes


I did the very best I could today. 

Over and out.

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