Day 45

Farro salad ( calorie unknown)

6 servings (1.5 cups) coconut cashews –960 cal

16 oz cran water Protein shake with spirulina and flax oil –270 cal

2 serving tj fiber cereal –160 cal

1.5 serving turkey jerky –120cal
2.6 mi so far 


1/3rd serving tj cinnamon apple snack things — 42 cals

Half serving baked apple chips– 50 cals

1,602 cals consumed so far.


So, today I’ll consider a true taper day. 5.5 mi total. I have that full marathon waiting for me this Saturday morning, so I’ll be kind to myself.
Notes: Trying something different today by seeing how many calories I’ve consumed, in comparison to how many calories I’ve burned throughout the day. I’ll have a final tally after I squeeze this work out in. I took a long nap this evening, no fighting it. So doing a late workout now, even though I have work at the butt crack of dawn. 

P.s. I went to TJ’s and they were all out of yellow squash. T_T I just settled for zucchini instead. 

Other notes: I think I’ve been inadvertently weening off from the husk powder, which is fine, because I think I’ve noticed a reduction in bloat? Not sure though but we’ll see.

Also, I’m really proud of myself for resisting coffee today. Not that coffee is a bad thing, it’s a great treat. I’m trying to honor my body’s natural sources of energy and I guess I naturally opted for sleep. Feels good, because I can listen to my body clock telling me whether I sleep or not (which I’m finding to be a luxury these days, that I’m thankful for) versus going on coffee’s terms. 


Over and out.

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