Day 11


8oz cran water

Warm lemon water

Chinese spice green beans

Baked pesto salmon

Huge bowl of raw baby spinach (4 cups)

More lemon water


3 servings apple chips (uh oh)

2 servings of mixed unsalted nuts (meh)

2 tsp raw chia seeds



10.5 mi

25 rep hip adduction 70 lbs x 5

25 rep hip abduction 60 lbs x 5

20 rep leg press 100 lbs x 5

3 sets 15 rep 15 1b know swings

3 sets  12 reps ring pull ups

3 sets 15 reps 10 lb squat kick

4 sets 12 rep captain’s chair

2 sets 10 rep 16lb arm free weights

2 sets 25 rep curls

2 sets d kicks and quad lifts, each leg

1 liter cran water while working out



8oz cran water.

Over and out.

Spice Girl!

Here is a portion of the spice collection I have at home. I love spices.  


Day 10

1.5 servings baked apple chips


16 oz cran water

Warm lemon water

Protein shake with cran water, spirulina, flax oil, chia seeds. Powder used was vegan and mocha flavored.

Warm lemon water

Cran water

Baked pesto basil salmon with baked yams

Lemon water




I feel like I’m hitting a plateau. Perhaps I’m just impatient. “Blah. Definitely notice positive differences in energy levels, mood, and skin clarity/ brightness. I wonder what other diet and exercise modifications I should make. Today will be the start of 6 weeks. I’ll just try to be patient and continue working my ass off.


12 mi

5 sets 25 rep Russian twists, 7.5 lbs

4 sets 15 rep 10 lb lunges

4 sets 15 rep 10 lb squat kicks

3 sets 12 rep captains chair

4 sets 25 rep hip adduction 70 lbs

3 sets 25 rep hip abduction  60 lbs

1 set 20 rep hip abduction 70 lbs

2 sets 20 rep elevated crunch

1 liter cran water while working out.



12 oz cran water



Over and out.

Day 9

Weighed in at 135 today, on the dot.


Woke up late and started the routine:



glass of water

glass of cran water

glass of warm lemon water


1/2 serving of apple chips


1/4 protein shake



baked basil pesto salmon with baked yams. So good! This will become my staple, I think.

warm lemon water



11 mi. total today

4 sets 12 rep captain’s chair, 12 lunges, 12 squats

1100 meter row

3 sets 10 rep free weights

3 sets 25 rep curls

4 sets 20 elevated crunches

4 sets d kicks and quad lifts, each leg

4 sets 25 rep hip abduction

4 sets 25 rep hip adduction


2+ liters cran water total

llc before bed + 16 oz cran water



Over and out.



Day 8

llc waking up

glass of regular water to chase it down

glass of cran water to chase it down

12 oz warm lemon water


protein shake from smoothie place


1 serving of apple chips

2 servings of mixed unsalted nuts

a few sips of hot midnight blue tea



glass of water

glass of cran water

warm lemon water


I was pretty tired, and fell asleep, forgetting to eat dinner.


Rest day from work out. Walked a total of 1.25 miles though.


Over and out.





Day 7

Upon arising:

llc, 8oz cran water and 1 full tsp psyllium husk

12 oz regular water

12 oz cran water

12 oz warm lemon water

Large bowl full of spinach, artichoke hearts, nutritional yeast, apple cider vinegar, flax oil and the last of the lentil loaf.



2 servings baked apple chips

1 serving unsalted mixed nuts

Warm lemon water


Ratatouille with Apple cider vinegar

Chinese spice, spicy chicken and green beans (ok not ffp strict but not awful)

Warm lemon water


Llc, 8oz cran water and 1tsp psyllium husk

12 oz cran water



More to follow.

Notes: I’ve been slightly upping the amount of Apple cider vinegar I consume, slightly because I think it will help move the psyllium husk along. I did some reading on the effects of the acv, and I should keep it at a 4 tablespoon maximum per day.

I also have been trying to increase my raw food intake, lots of baby spinach and artichoke. I think it’s helping.

Day 6

I was awake around 3-4am today, and so I started my day with:


warm lemon water

ratatouille, drizzled with apple cider vinegar (super good).



After sleeping and waking up again:

llc, 8oz cran water and 1.5 tsp psyllium husk

16+ more oz of regular water


2 servings unsalted mixed nuts

more warm lemon water

large spinach artichoke salad, with flax oil, lentil loaf pieces, nutritional yeast. (Yep, the lentil loaf was plenty and lives on.)

2 miles at gym this morning.




1 liter of cran water at the gym

11.5 miles total for the day

3 sets incline crunches 20 reps

2 sets d kicks and quad lifts each leg, 15-20 reps

llc, 8oz cran water and 1 tsp psyllium husk

16 oz water

2-3 servings of unsalted mixed nuts (I had to stay up late doing a school sewing project for my son… was so tired at the end but was able to get a bit of sleep afterwards.

The end!

Over and out.



Day 5

upon arising:

the llc 8oz cran water, 1 big tsp and a half of psyllium husk

Note: I’ve been starting to down another 10-16+ oz of water after the llc because the psyllium husk clumps up and expands fast, and gets slightly uncomfortable. To reduce the clumping in my throat, I’ve been drinking a lot more.

So, yesterday was my birthday. I was awake throughout the night trying to find a nearby grocery that was open to get more water. I went to sleep around 3, and I’m very lucky that J took over my duties and I got to sleep in till around 130pm, when I started getting birthday phone calls.

I had some kind of cheat day, it’s my birthday, but it wasn’t too bad. Everything I consumed in the afternoon to early evening:

20 oz warm lemon water

a slice of green tea tiramisu (my fave)

a little bit of a cheesecake soufflé

12 oz midnight blue hot tea

chicken from chik fil a.


Then, went to the gym to try to balance it out and make up for it:


13 mi

1100 meter row

4 sets 15 rep lunges, 10 lb

5 sets 10 rep squats, 10 lb

3 sets 8-10 rep free weights, 20 lb

30 crunches

4 sets 12 rep captain’s chair

3 sets 10 rep squats

While at the gym: protein shake with chia seeds and cranwater



Total of 3-3.5 liters of water for the day. Probably close to 4, I lost count because I kept chugging.

llc around bed time (8 oz cran water and psyllium husk)




Over and out.



Day 4

Long life cocktail upon rising (8oz cran water, 1.5 tsp psyllium husk)

10 oz cran water

10 oz warm lemon water

protein shake with 1 tsp spirulina and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds. Yum yum yum.

More cran water


warm lemon water

1.5 servings baked apple chips

1.5 servings mixed nuts

cran water, water


warm lemon water

10 oz cran water

spinach artichoke salad, with lentil loaf pieces, flax oil, apple cider vinegar and nutritional yeast.


More updates later.


Day 3

Woke up and immediately started the routine:

8oz cran water + 1 tsp psyllium husk

4 more oz of cran water

12 oz warm water and 1/2 lemon

protein shake with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (yum yum), 1 tablespoon of Spirulina, and cran water. It was good! I’m glad I’m taking the leap in starting Spirulina again. It’s been nearly untouched in my fridge waiting for a reason to be used. Now’s the perfect time. It added a flavor which I can only describe as green. And the chia seeds adds texture and nuttiness too.


12oz warm lemon water


Spinach artichoke salad, flax oil, apple cider vinegar, nutritional yeast, lentil loaf pieces. My new fave and possible staple!
I started jumping back in the FFP on Friday, it’s Sunday right now. I started at 139-140, and am now at 135. 5 lbs in 2.5 days is pretty dramatic, I think (in a good way). I just started introducing the flax oil, apple cider vinegar and spirulina as of last night and this morning, so I’m excited to see how I’ll be feeling after regular use.

Time to hit the gym!

I made a ratatouille for the first time, it turned out good! It’s like a veggie pasta, without the pasta. No cheese and no onions. 

I had quite a few servings, and sprinkled it with apple cider vinegar. Yum!


8 mi

3 sets 13 rep cpt. Chair

3 sets 10 lunges

3 sets 10 squats

2 sets free weights arms, 10 reps

2 sets d kicks 15 reps

2 sets quad lifts 15 reps

1 set 25 rep curls


2+ liters cran water

2 glasses water

Long life cocktail (8oz cran water and psyllium husk powder, 1.5 tsp)


And that’s all I remember.

Over and out. 

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