Weekendering so balls awesomely fierce right now.

Ice cream, stuft shrooms, avcdos, half veg pat, salad,sunflower cookie, flaxshake protein, protein bars x 2
Earlier did: 6mi with major inclines
300 rep adduction, 100 rep press, 40ish lat pulls, 60 dips, 20ish chins, 200 reps abs,

Now back at gym, aiming for 10ish miles, more leg and ab action.

Then planning to study afterward and fill index cards and my brain with rote knowledge.

Then sleeping.

Then working at 7.

Then krav.

Then appt at 11ish with M- town.

Then after that, work on work deadlines.

Then go back to gym.

Then somehow get sleep wedged in between eveything.


Over and out.