
Hot lemon water

1 serving tuna + vegenaise 90

gf grains chips 55

1/2 gf protein bar 120

3/4 small avocado: 108

Breakfast total: 343

Protein total: 24

66 g of protein left to go!

Going to hit the gym soon. 2 hr max because River is with me.


hot lemon water

pumpkin spice arctic zero- 150

green beans: 130

1/2 gf protein: 120


total so far: 743


protein total: 48 g


42 g of protein to go!

Gf puffins 200

Total so far: 943

Miles: 5.5 and counting.




Over and out






My leg muscles are in recovery so I’ll see if they’re feeling up to it later tonight.

So far:

8oz coconut water
Raw almonds
Homemade green drink (slate gray actually)
With spirulina, kale, spinach blackberries, protein, stevia plus, acai sorbet, cran water. It was yummy and satisfying.

Ok time to be productive in the work- sector now.

Over and out.

2 Day Recap– Appetite of a champ


1 gf protein bar: 210

12 macarons (bad!!) 840

leftover guac and vegnaise chikn salad: 300

kale cranwater blueberries blackberries chia seed spirulina stevia:  190

acai sorbet 500

3 cups spinach: 21

1 mandarin orange: 37

baked kale with daiya cheese: 90

kale cranwater blueberries blackberries spirulina stevia protein: 200



14 miles, weights, chins, dips, adduction, abduction, capt chair (1800+)


Fuck macarons, man!  Oh well, celebrated bday early. And they were from ‘lette. Otherworldly, heavenly.


note to self: make gf veg macarons.





Greens Whey Protein snack: 240

vega vanilla chai with raw kale, blueberries, blackberries, spirulna, cran water (200)

carrot chips (50)

steamed kale with ginger miso dressing: 75

So far: 565

7 miles, weights, chins, dips (1000+ )

I recently discovered plyometrics, particularly squats. I like them so far. Did 3 sets of 6 reps yesterday. I love the tension and resistance I feel in my muscles around the 6th or 7th rep. I know in a month or so I’ll do 15 each set, easily. Let the fun begin.

Today’s Protein Intake: 40g so far, 50 left to go. Yee-haw!

Gf protein 240
Adzuki chips 240
1/3rd cup BlueBerries: 50
Crystallized ginger: 90
Coconut water: 60

On mile 2 of part 2 today. Lets see how far i get tonight.

Update: 8 miles done last night
Day Total 15

Over and out.


4+ miles outdoors
Soy chorizo, eggs, gluten free breakfast. Hot water and lemon.

Pistachios and 1 cup popcorn

Rooibos tea

Mock duck bbq with tofu tamari sauce, romaine lettuce. Avocado.

Vegan apple pie with not-vegan vanilla ice cream.

Hot water and lemon.

Intending to put more milage in for the night. Taking a much needed breather now though.

P.s. I’m attempting to watch Melancholia for the second time. Eyes want to close.